Friday, 5 September 2008

Woods/Man Made Boards

There are two types of woods softwoods and hardwoods.Hardwoods come from broad-leaved angiosperm trees,mostly deciduous, but not necessarily, in the case of tropical trees.
Where as softwoods come from which comes from conifer trees. On average, hardwood is of higher density and hardness than softwood, but there is considerable variation in actual wood hardness in both groups

Softwoods are sometimes harder than hardwood trees.Douglas fir, a softwood, is harder and stronger than many hardwoods, balsa is technically a hardwood, is much softer than even most softwoods.In general softwood is easy to work with.Softwood has a huge range of uses, it is a first choice material for structural building components, but is also found in furniture and other products such as millwork (mouldings, doors, windows).

Hardwood joinery is expensive compared to softwood. In the past, tropical hardwoods were easily available but the supply of some species such as Burma teak and mahogany is now becoming restricted due to sustainability issues.

Man Made Boards

Man Made Boards come in many different sizes,like Plywood can come in from 2mm to 18mm in thickness,you can also have it in any length and width you want.Also Man made boards are very cheap and are quite good for the environment as chipboard is made out of the spare grains,it is also used as a base for many other products like worktops.

Most Man made boards are very strong like Blockboard and plywood.Many people Vinear wood which means put a very thin layer of a nice lookin wood e.g mahogany or Ash.Another wood called Sterling Board is very cheap and made to be used roughly and mpstly used on building sites and also to borad up broken windows or deralict buildings.

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